The Impact of the Drug Overdose Crisis on Those Working in the Trades
Video/Audio Recordings
Maps collected and analyzed
Themes identified
2 interviews completed
1 Naloxone Workshop (in progress, first iteration completed)
Additional interviews are in preparation: We are lining up “women in trades” interviews, working with the TRU’s program; the recent

“Rethinking Drinking: A Community Conversation” put us in touch with a number of people with lived experience and public speaking experience, including former construction workers and recovering addicts; we are reaching out to the “Kamloops Integrated Treatment Team” for further possible interviewees—continuing to work with our partners at United Way. Lana Fine’s
coordinate initiatives from cross the country; and Walk with Me has produced a Trades “audio walk” specific to the Comox Valley, a valuable resource and potential contribution to the micro-credential.
The TRU-based team is in the process of setting up day editing sessions, working in concert with the University’s Open Learning division and the Centre for Learning and Teaching, designed to identify and link key video and audio clips to the micro-credential learning outcomes.
We’ve been contacted recently by the Canada Alcohol Use Disorder Society (funded by BC Ministry of Health), based in Penticton: Offering further partnership possibilities, including help spreading the word, and expanding our focus to include alcohol addiction—an area of concern highlighted in our cultural mapping work.

Micro-Credential Planning
As noted, we have reached out to Open Learning, to TRU’s Prior Learning department, and to the Centre for Learning and Teaching re: micro-credential format that the university can support and accredit long-term.
We have secured a letter of commitment confirming The School of Trades & Technology support for the micro-credential, including an intention to make the micro-credential available as part of a general Trades health & safety orientation for apprentices. In addition to the
Following the example of the Walk with Me Project, will are working on the publication of a DrugAware catalogue detailing the history of the project, our partnerships, and sample maps—with a link to the DrugAwareBC website.