Livingmaps Network invites you to our next event in the Countermapping the Future Seminar SeriesCritical and Creative GIS and Geovisualization: Reflections of an Interdisciplinary Collaboration- Jin-Kyu Jung
Wednesday, 27th March 2024, online 18:00 UK time
Please book your tickets at: The talk is a reflection of an ongoing interdisciplinary collaboration between an urban geographer interested in the qualitative possibilities of GIS and an art scholar specializing in thinking about digital culture and creative practice. It illustrates the emergence and blending of different modes of critical and creative GIS and specific ways to work with various modes/forms of embodied, relational, interpretive, and expressive geographies for re-imagining where and how mapping and GIS are practiced.
Jin-Kyu Jung is an urban geographer/planner whose interdisciplinary research program contributes to developing new ways of expanding critical, qualitative, and creative possibilities of/with GIS and geographic visualization in understanding socio-spatial processes and politics of urban space in an engaged way. His research offers geographers and interdisciplinary scholars epistemological and methodological innovation in digital technologies that integrate various forms of data/evidence and representation and analysis often seen as incompatible: qualitative and quantitative, visuality and numeracy, texts and maps, and artistic and scientific. He is a Professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences at the University of Washington Bothell and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Washington.
Livingmaps Network is a volunteer-run organisation and was established in 2013 to develop a network of researchers, community activists, artists and others with a common interest in the use of countermapping for social change, public engagement, critical debate and creative forms of community campaigning.Copyright © 2024 Livingmaps Network, All rights reserved.